With the explosion of consumer oriented applications in the last decade, we are seeing immense pressure on data handling by the Volume, Velocity and Variety. A large number of these applications tend to be read heavy and do not require strong ACID properties. All of this has given rise to non-relational databases that provide a means to store and retrieval of data at scale. The horizontal scaling and usage of commodity hardware is another key attribute of these solutions. The horizontal scaling tail wind has started giving rise to a new generation of RDBMS that can scale(such as [voltdb]{.ul}), but in this blog we will try to cover the architecture of NoSQL database and Cassandra in specific. 

1.0 Types of NoSQL

1.1 Key/Value Based

The data is stored in Key Value Pairs. They are primarily used for storing details of the customer, memory caching etc. Example implementations include DynamoDB, Redis etc

1.2 Wide Row

These databases store data in rows and the users are able to do the query using the column based access. They are primarily used for high volume/velocity storing time series data, geographical information, sensor data etc. Example implementations include Cassandra, HBase

1.3 Columnar

Columnar databases are optimised to fast retrieve columnar data typically for analytical applications. They are primarily used for Data WareHouse and Big Data Processing. Example implementations include Amazon Redshift and Google BigQuery

1.4 Document

A document-oriented database is a modern way to store data in JSON format rather than simple rows and columns. These are designed for storing, retrieving, and managing document-oriented information, also known as semi-structured data. They are used in storing product catalogue, content management systems, storing user profiles etc. Example implementations include MongoDB and CouchDB

1.5 Graph

Graph databases are built to store and navigate relationships. They are used in Fraud detection, recommendation engine etc, Example implementations include Neo4j, OrientDB, TitanDB

I highly recommend you go through this blog by Sandeep Uttamchandani on the Blue Print of a Distributed Storage System [here]{.ul} This covers the key concepts of distributed systems

Here are some of the key concepts that you may want to remember

2.1 Clustering techniques

Clustering model defines the approach by which the individual nodes within a scale-out cluster coordinate to manage resources, handle events, and support storage data and metadata operations for the clients.

2.1.1 Master Taxonomy

In a cluster there is a super node that is responsible for managing the cluster state, determine data placement and co-ordinate activities. HDFS is a good example.

2.1.2 Masterless Taxonomy

All the nodes in a cluster share equal responsibilities for managing the cluster state and activities. Cassandra, redis are great example

2.1.3 Multi-Master Taxonomy

Here the Master acts as the light-weight coordinator, and divides the cluster management tasks among the among the nodes within the cluster. Ceph and Mongodb are great examples

2.2 Dataset Partitioning

With horizontal scaling, the data is spread amongst multiple nodes. There are different ways to address them. Some of the key ones are captured below

2.2.1 Range Based

The key-space is divided into ranges and assigned to individual nodes. The nodes can be physical or a Virtual Machine. Optionally a physical system can hostt multiple nodes called virtual nodes that would be allocated with their own ranges. Consistent hashing is typically used and this is popular with Masterless architectures

2.2.2 Directory Based

A centralised directory tracks the mapping of name space to nodes. 

2.3 Mutability

Mutability model defines the strategy to update existing data. 

2.3.1 In-Place

Updates are written directly in existing data locations are modified.

2.3.2 Out-Of-Place

Updates to the namespace object are persisted at a new resource location (i.e., logical or physical address). The metadata associated with the namespace object is updated to reflect the change.

2.3.3 Versioning

The update is persisted as a new version of the object.

3.0 Cassandra Overview

Cassandra follows a masterless architecture along with range based data placement. It is location sensitive and can place the replicas in different racks or datacentres to increase the availability. Here are the key components of Cassandra

3.1 Key Infrastructure Components

3.1.1 Node

This is the basic building block of a Cassandra cluster. This is where the data is stored. A Virtual Machine or a Physical Server can act as a Node. You can further split a node into multiple virtual nodes. This helps reduce the partition range that each node/virtual node is responsible for and helps with extending/compacting a cluster

3.1.2 Rack

A rack in the Data Centre world consists of several servers which are supported by the same source of power, networking and real estate. Storing multiple replicas on the same rack is risky and Cassandra can place the replicas on different racks (when it is available)

3.1.3 Datacentre

A datacentre consists of multiple racks. A datacentre typically does not span multiple locations and the network latency is low for the east-west traffic. Both Rack and Datacentre can also be virtual constructs in case Cassandra as long as the key concepts are met 

3.1.4 Cluster

A cluster typically spans multiple datacentres. This is a virtual construct. 

3.1.5 Snitch

Cassandra does not detect the racks and datacentres automatically and will rely on user inputs. So if you started thinking about how Cassandra goes about determining the network topology, you do not have to dive deeper into networking now. Snitch in Cassandra helps determine which node should get the replica based on user inputs as well as node health. It has a dynamic layer which looks at the performance of nodes and recommends nodes for reading.

3.2 Key Components of a Node

A node stores the data that is directed to it. The data can be Primary data or a Replica Copy. The data is committed in 2 phases. The need for sucn 2 phase commit may have to be revisited with the evolution of Persistent Memory in the market.

3.2.1 Commit Log

The record is first written into local disk. The assumption is that the record is a small unit compared to a sector of hard disk.

3.2.2 Mem Table

As the name suggests, the mem table is all in memory and the incoming record is appended to the table. When the table is full, it is flushed to the disk. Alternatively a user can force a flush or we can flush the data after the timeout value

3.2.3 SSTable

A sorted string table (SSTable) is an immutable data file to which Cassandra writes memtables periodically. SSTables are append only and stored on disk sequentially and maintained for each Cassandra table. After the data is written to the SSTable, Commit Logs can be deleted.

3.3 Key Components of a Cluster

Each Cassandra cluster has a unique name. All the participating nodes for that cluster use the name to join. 

3.3.1 Seed Node and Boot Strapping

When a node starts up it looks to its seed node to obtain information about the other nodes in the cluster. E.g When a second node is added to the cluster, it will have the first node in the cluster as the seed node. This helps bootstrap the second node. A seed node can be any node that has already been bootstrapped (need not be the first node)

3.3.2 Gossip

Gossip is a peer-to-peer communication protocol. Nodes discover information about other nodes by exchanging state information about themselves and other nodes they know about every second. This helps with failure detection. Gossip information is also persisted locally by each node to use immediately when a node restarts. 

3.3.3 Partitioner

A partitioner determines which node will receive the first replica of a piece of data, and how to distribute other replicas across other nodes in the cluster.A partitioner is a hash function that derives a token from the primary key of a row. The default hash function used by Cassandra is Murmur3. 

3.3.4 Replica Placement

A replication strategy determines which nodes to place replicas on. If network topology is not input by the user, the nodes right to the primary data in the ring will be used for replication. When network topology is input, the replicas are placed in a such a way to increase availability. 

3.4 Consistency Levels

Since Cassandra is masterless a client can connect with any node in a cluster. Clients can interface with a Cassandra node using either a thrift protocol or using CQL. The node that a client connects to is designated as the coordinator and is responsible for satisfying the request. The consistency level (CL) determines the number of nodes that the coordinator needs to hear from in order to notify the client of a successful mutation. Consistency levels are tunable at runtime

3.4.1 Default Consistency Level

The default consistency level is 1. In case of a Write Operation, the request is sent to all the replicas. However as soon as one of the node acknowledge, the request is completed back to the client. In case of a Read Operation, the request is sent to the best performing node. Consistency Level 1 is the fastest but may not fetch the latest data

3.4.2 Consistency Level All

In this mode, the co-ordinator will wait to hear from all the replicas for READ and WRITE operations

3.4.3 Consistency Level Quorum

In this mode, the co-ordinator will wait to hear from majority of the nodes. Here is the formula used 

Quorum = RoundDown(sum_of_replication_factors / 2) + 1


sum_of_replication_factors = datacenter1_RF + . . . + datacenterN_RF

E.g. Using a replication factor of 3, a quorum is 2 nodes. The cluster can tolerate 1 replica down.

The following consistency level gives immediate consistency

  • Write CL = ALL, Read CL = ONE

  • Write CL = ONE, Read CL = ALL

  • Write CL = QUORUM, Read CL = QUORUM

4.0 A Day in the life of Cassandra

Once the cluster is created, typical operations include creating the record, modifying and reading the record, handling node failures and expanding or shrinking the cluster. These are the typical Day 2 Operations performed on the cluster

4.1 Write Operation

Let us take the example of a user wanting to insert a record as below using cqlsh

INSERT INTO users(login,name,age) VALUES ('jdoe', 'John DOE', 33);

Login (PK) – jdoe

Name – John DOE

Age - 33

The co-ordinator receives the request and forward it to the Primary Node as well as the replica Nodes. Each of the nodes act independently. The node first writes the mutation to the commit log and then writes the mutation to the memtable. The memtable is flushed to an immutable structure called SSTable (let us say sst1) A timestamp (t1) is autogenerated and is associated with the columns. By default every SSTable creates three files on disk which include a bloom filter, a key index and a data file.

4.2 Update Operation

Now let us assume Joe has turned 34 years old and we need to update a record as below using cqlsh

UPDATE users SET age = 34 WHERE login = 'jdoe';

Login (PK) – jdoe

Age - 33

The SSTables are immutable, once written it cannot be updated. Cassandra creates a new SSTable (let us say sst2) with timestamp of t2 with the above details.

4.3 Compaction

Over a period of time a number of SSTables are created. This results in the need to read multiple SSTables to satisfy a read request. E.g. in the above scenario both sst1 and sst2 needs to be read for jdoe. Compaction tries to solve it by eliminating multiple tables and creating a new sst3 that includes most recent version of each column from all tables (sst2 and sst2) The old tables (sst1 and sst2) are deleted.

4.4 Read

Now let us assume the user issues a following read command

SELECT name, age from users WHERE login = 'jdoe';

To satisfy a read, Cassandra must combine results from the active memtable and potentially multiple SSTables. As in the above example after stage 4.2, the node has to read from both sst1 and sst2 to return the result back to the co-ordinator. The co-ordinator based on the consistency level configured returns the latest data back to the client.

Reading data from the disk is costly. Hence Cassandra tries to find the record in the memtable first. If the record is not found in memtable but if the rowcache is enabled, it tries to return the data from the row cache.

A unique aspect of Cassandra read is the implementation of bloom filter. Bloom filter is a probabilistic function and each SSTable has bloomfilter associated with it. A Bloom filter can establish that a SSTable does not contain certain partition data. A Bloom filter can also find the likelihood that partition data is stored in a SSTable. If the bloom filter returns a negative response no data is returned from the particular SSTable. This is  a common case as the compaction operation tries to group all row key related data into as few SSTables as possible. If the bloom filter provides a positive response the partition key cache is scanned to ascertain the compression offset for the requested row key. It then proceeds to fetch the compressed data on disk and returns the result set. If the partition cache does not contain a corresponding entry the partition key summary is scanned. The partition summary is a subset to the partition index and helps determine the approximate location of the index entry in the partition index. The partition index is then scanned to locate the compression offset which is then used to find the appropriate data on disk. 

4.5 Failure detection and recovery

The gossip process tracks state from other nodes both directly (nodes gossiping directly to it) and indirectly (nodes communicated about second-hand, third-hand, and so on). During gossip exchanges, every node maintains a sliding window of inter-arrival times of gossip messages from other nodes in the cluster. Based on the threshold configured for the failure detector, a node can be marked down if no response is received within the stipulated time. Even after marking the node down, other nodes will try to establish a connection with the downed host to see if the node is back up. Only an administrator can remove the node using the nodetool utility. When the node joins back, nodetool is used to repair the node.